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18/4/2024- Can't Make VK Account

Hello fellow Interneteers! Drafting my first blog post for my website today! I brought my pc to class today so I'd have more time to write. Thought I'd talk about how annoying it was trying to make my VK (vkontakte) account 2 minutes ago. I was so close, but they require that you login with a mobile account, meaning I would have to first make a mobile account before I can use vk on my computer. Which, of course, I can't do, because reasons I won't get into right now. Maybe later. In another post. But anyway, that was super disappointing. Glad I could blog about it though. This actually made me feel a lot better. Alright, I'll see you again later. Galeksrus signing off now.


22/4/2024- Sick Day

Happy Earth Day! Hope everyone's doing well. "Everyone" being myself, of course. Don't think anyone else reads these. I'm home sick from school today, which is kinda nice, because obviously. I sorta would have liked to go to school, though, because I'm missing a lot today. But oh well. Not much I can do now. I just finished redoing my room, and it looks pretty good. It's SIGNIFICANTLY cleaner than it was before. And I got a new bed. The other one was, like, 12 years old, so it's a pretty welcome change. I think that's all I have to say. I'm gonna go get some water and maybe play a song. If I feel well enough. Bye now, and remember, save the turtles! (because earth day.)


8/5/2024- Just finished hlvrai

This may or may not become a hlvrai fan page I don't know. I'm severely considering it though. I just need to work on my drawing skills so I can make fanart. I have no idea why I've not been able to get better at drawing. I'm right in the demographic for it. I guess I just need to practice more. And maybe a device that can actually run those drawing programs (no offense Ace.) I've never really seen the appeal of digital drawing, until realized that pretty much every *real* artist uses them. But yeah, maybe some hlvrai fanart coming soon? I dunno. I'll keep you (me) updated. Signing off.


11/6/2024- I'M STILL ALIVE

blah blah blah this is a post blah blah im posting because i dont wanna abandon the site blah blah blah love you guys <3


21/8/2024- Big Changes?

Gooood morrow!! It is currently 4:44 am, and I just felt like I should make an update to the site. School started up again last week, and I'm already soooooo done with it. Even though I'm an upperclassman this year, it really doesn't feel like much has changed. Senior year's gonna be crazy. Assuming I'm not in Cali that is. I PROMISE you, if he gets stationed in Texas im not going. I'll stay here with nanna & pap, and spend one of the most important years of my life in a place I actually like, with my friends and community. Anyway, the real reason I'm writing this is because I'm taking a CompSci class this year, and I'm hoping I'll be able to make some bigbig changes to the site because of it. Of course, all he's taught us for TWO WEEKS is how binary works. Which, like, I understand is important, but come onnnnnnn i wanna code. that's why im here. But yeah, blog post made! Hopefully I can do this more often. Sorry its been so long. byeeeeee!
